1. Oil and Vinegar
By mixing a half cup of vinegar with a half cup of olive oil, you will have a concoction that boosts the shine and reduces marks on wood flooring. This method is great for larger areas as the mixture is easy to apply, helping you treat the affected area.
An important thing to keep in mind when applying the mixture to wood furniture, cabinetry, or flooring is to use a microfiber cloth. Dip it in the concoction and make sure you wipe in the direction of the scratches until they are no longer visible. Allow for a few minutes before wiping away any excess liquid.
2. Tea or Coffee
If you have a darker piece of wooden furniture that has scuff marks, you can get rid of them by using tea or coffee. The dark colors of these two liquids will stain the stripped areas, reducing their appearance.
The first thing you have to do is make an exceptionally strong cup of tea or coffee. You can even use wet grounds if you have any left. Use a cotton swab to apply the coffee to the affected area. When using tea, you may need to add another round to get the color your piece of wood requires.