7 Quick Ways to Hide Scratches on Your Furniture

Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

7. Craft Paint

If you want to remove scratches from a varnished surface, apply watercolor to the affected area. Let it dry for 30 minutes, then fill it with varnish. You can also use artist’s paint or oil-based craft paint. Choose a slightly darker color, as the color takes on a lighter shade on drying. Apply a small amount of color to the scratches, and that’s it!

However, this method won’t work on polyurethane-finished wood.

Cleaning wood furniture can be challenging if you’re not sure how, but after you’ve done it once, you’ll be a pro! While these methods will take care of any smaller imperfections in your wooden cabinetry, furniture, or flooring, your damage could still need further attention from a specialist.

We suggest first trying these noninvasive techniques. If the scratches, nicks, and dings persist, you may want to call a professional.

You may also want to read Stop Cleaning These 6 Things With Baking Soda!

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