4. Brush or beat natural fiber items outside your house
Before sticking your clothes back in the wardrobe, make sure you clean them as well as possible, especially if you have a backyard. I know this method from my grandmother, who used to beat every single item in her closet before every spring cleaning. She carefully searched for moths, and those clothes that were infested were thrown away, and those that could have been saved were brushed thoroughly. It may sound funny to “beat-up” your clothes, but this is one effective method to get rid of these tiny pricks.
Mostly focusing on natural fiber clothing (wool and fur), hang them on a clothesline in your backyard and start brushing away. A gentle carpet beater or a coarse-haired brush will do the trick pretty well. Even a tennis racket will work if you choose the carpet-beating technique, but the most important thing is to make sure you do the task completely.
Any eggs or pupas that may be hiding in the fibers of your products should be destroyed by doing any of these two actions.