5 Ways You Ruin Your Clothes Without Realizing

Photo by Naletova Elena from Shutterstock

5. You don’t clean your out-of-season clothing before putting it in storage

After every season, you probably store all the clothes away in boxes to make room for others that you will use for another 2 or 3 months. Before doing that, give them a proper washing cycle! Experts recommend following this hack in order to avoid your clothes becoming a delicious snack for moths. Furthermore, by properly cleaning them, you will protect them and keep them fresh in storage until the next time you wear them.

And if you like the smell of it, you can sneak some lavender bags in between your sweaters. They will keep any unwanted bugs and odors away from your favorite outfits!

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You may also be interested in this article: 6 Hacks to Get Your Clothes Free of Wrinkles.

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