5 Things You Should NEVER Throw in The Trash Can

Image By Manuta From Enavto Elements

#1 Paint

You should never just throw the leftover paint from your recent DIY project directly into the trash can! Not only do you run the risk of it spilling over and creating a mess before it even leaves the premises of your house, but you can also cause a lot of damage to the environment if it spills into the landfill. Paint does contain chemicals and other toxins that can pollute the soil and even the air.

If you have some unused or extra paint that you want to dispose of, you should see what local paint suppliers in the area have set up for this purpose or see if there are any non-profits that have taken up this task. Some municipalities have guidelines in place on how you should be disposing of paint, and you may even be some of the lucky ones that have PaintCare in your area! You just take your paint to them, and they do all the rest.

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