Avoid Using Paper Towels to Clean These 9 Items

Image By Lisa-S From Shutterstock

#5 Clean soda spills from rugs and carpets: not with paper towels!

Did you accidentally spill something on the rug? While it may seem like a good idea to use a paper towel to absorb all the excess liquid and scrub the spill from the fabric, it won’t actually help you much. If anything, it will cause you many more problems in the long run. The best course of action is to use a dry cloth or sponge to soak up as much of the liquid as possible, then let it dry and vacuum the area.

If there is a stain, then you should use the carpet cleaner you know will not damage the fabric of your carpet.

Instead of reaching for paper towels to scrub your carpet, you can just use them at first for damage control until you get the proper tools. Otherwise, don’t ever attempt to clean a carpet with them. The paper will leave a lot of paper residue on the rug, along with pushing lint deeper into the fabric. It will just make everything harder to clean, so keep the paper towels away from the hard cleaning action.

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