Avoid Using Paper Towels to Clean These 9 Items

paper towel
Image By FabrikaPhoto From Envato Elements

#4 Any type of screen

It may seem like it’s easy to just wipe the screen of your phone, laptop, or even TV screen with a paper towel, but you should refrain from using them on such delicate surfaces. A lot of paper towels are much coarser than they appear when we touch them.

With such delicate screens as LCDs and other tech screens, wiping them with paper will just cause permanent indents in the screen. Especially if you do it on a dry surface.

We suggest you use a cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth that was made specifically for these types of screens! They may seem like a frivolous expense, but they’re needed when you want to prolong the life of your devices for as long as possible.

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