5 Efficient Ways to Freshen Up Your Room

Photo by Kzenon From Shutterstock

1. Regularly clean your trash can

A couple of days ago, I noticed a nasty smell right after I got home and I wondered: What could it possibly be? I totally forgot that I’d left something in the trash can from yesterday’s dinner. EEW! A small thing like that was enough to get my entire house smelly. It’s no surprise that a combo of leftovers and other things your trash holds can actually give off an unpleasant smell, especially if your rooms aren’t properly ventilated.

The most efficient way to keep it clean, after a proper wash on both the inside and out, is to add a small layer of baking soda to the bottom of the bin after you replace the bag. Following that, you can also drop a deodorizing pod inside it in order to keep it as fresh as possible. Ah! And of course, don’t forget to take it out every two days or so, depending on how full your trashcan gets.

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