How to Get Rid of Fleas: 6 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Them Completely

Photo by alesjab From Shutterstock

5. SaltĀ 

When it comes to natural remedies, salt is one versatile ingredient that everybody has to have in their kitchen. And much like boric acid and baking soda, salt works in a similar way. You may easily get rid of fleas by sprinkling salt on your carpet, leaving it there for two days, and then vacuuming it away.

How does it function? Fleas will be swiftly and effectively eliminated naturally without the need for pesticides by the salt, which acts as a dehydrating agent.

6. Use a pet-safe flea spray

If none of these remedies work and your house still has fleas, why not consider using an all-natural flea treatment spray for your pet? Use it as a regular repellent on the infested area and keep re-applying it every third day for nine days straight until every flea is dead. And you can still do this even if the insects are gone. Furthermore, you must routinely treat your dog and home for fleas to prevent infestations. To kill adult and immature fleas, you can use sprays, shampoos, or tablets, but if you want to get rid of their eggs, you need to wash your pet’s bedding as often as possible and change it if necessary.

Remember that if the flea infestation feels out of control, seek expert advice from your vet on getting the right care for your pet.

If you liked this article, you may also want to read 6 Ways Pests Can Destroy Your Home.

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