How to Get Rid of Fleas: 6 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Them Completely

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4. Boric acid

A lot of people are switching from chemicals to natural, homemade pesticide sprays. Why? Because all the chemical products can irritate the skin, lungs, eyes, or even your pet’s paws. Plus, they are not as efficient as the natural ones. Moving on, another ingredient that works well for removing flea traces from your home is boric acid. This is one ingredient that is easily found in most laundry detergents, but you can also buy it individually from pharmacies.

All you have to do is sprinkle it into your carpets and furniture and let it sit for about 30 minutes, then vacuum it up. Boric acid is a very powerful “tool” against fleas, and the good news is that it is safe for humans and pets.

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