9 Ways to Clean Your House With Lemon

Photo by Paopano From Shutterstock

6. Descale coffee makers and tea kettles

Who knew that lemons could be so effective in house cleaning? With so many amazing properties, lemons are always my go-to item whenever I make my shopping list. Another favorite thing that I can’t live without is coffee. Without coffee in my morning routine, I am fatigued and I can’t properly function during the day.

My coffee maker is basically my best friend, and I don’t know what I would do without it. That’s why I try to take care of it as much as possible because mineral deposits from water can clog it and also give your coffee a funky taste.

The best way to descale your coffee maker is by adding a one-half cup of lemon juice to the appliance along with some boiled water. Then run a complete cycle with this mixture and then another one with plain water. That’s it! Then you’re ready to go!

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While ‘Peltier’ may be an unfamiliar term for casual conversations, most people know what thermoelectricity