#1 The 12-12-12 method
Sometimes we put it in our minds that we don’t only want to declutter, but we also want to organize at the same time. And this can end up being quite hard to achieve, especially since you don’t know what you want to do first and it can lead to you not doing either of these things. Here’s where the 12-12-12 method comes in,
Developed by a minimalist blog, the method is pretty simple. You start in your first space, and each day you have to find 12 different items for each pile: one’s for donating, one’s for the ones that you have to get rid of, and the last one is for the items that need to be put back where they came from. It’s a pretty easy and straightforward method that you can do even if you are really busy!
And if you rope your partner into it, it can also become a game too: which one of you can find these items faster? You can even involve the children!
#2 The 100 things only challenge
This one became very popular after the publication of Dave Bruno’s book “The 100 Things Challenge”, which you may have seen before if you went through the non-fiction section of your local bookstore.
If you haven’t seen it before or are not familiar with it, it is a challenge that tries to get you to declutter in a more hard-core way: you get to keep 100 things. The bare minimum!
Yes, we know it sounds crazy, but hear us out. You can customize this challenge however you would like and how it would work best for you. Take the author of the book, for example!
He made a clear distinction between his own items and the common, family, or shared items (like kitchen and bathroom items, for example). And then he applied the rule only to his personal items.
You don’t have to go that far, but you can always customize it to your needs!
#3 Five a day
This one is probably the easiest one on our list, and while it may not be as weird as others on our list, it is still a method of decluttering that will make it easy for you to clear out a space without it being too overwhelming.
This is why we recommend you tackle everything in smaller chunks by adopting the Five a Day system of decluttering.
You just have to make sure you get five unneeded items out of your house every day. Look through everything you have, and we bet you can find five every day.
It also helps to keep a box in your trunk where you stash away all these items. Then, when the box is full, you take it to the nearest thrift store to donate it.
There’s nothing easier!