Toss These Things from Your House for Instant Happiness

Photo by Evgeny Atamanenko from Shutterstock
  • Last year’s sunscreen

Those old sunscreens that you’re keeping might be outdated, and can no longer protect you from the sun’s rays. To avoid getting sunburned because of last year’s cream, try getting a new bottle. Old creams just lose their quality after they expire, and they can also harbor bacteria.

  • Old receipts

Unless you need them to justify tax-deductible purchases, you no longer need them. So go ahead and throw those mile-long drugstore receipts.

  • Cardboard boxes

When you finished moving into your new home, throw those cardboard boxes away. If you want to use them for storage, try getting nicer ones. And if you keep them for your kids/grandkids, so they can play with them, they probably won’t.

Best Peltier Dehumidifier

While ‘Peltier’ may be an unfamiliar term for casual conversations, most people know what thermoelectricity