Toss These Things from Your House for Instant Happiness

Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock
  • VHS tapes

If you have VHS Tapes from your childhood, take them to a store that will transform the videotape into a DVD, and throw them out. Or even better, you can recycle them with e-waste.

  • Extra buttons

If you don’t have time anymore for DIY projects, you won’t use your collection of buttons anymore. You can give them to kids for crafting, or donate them to a friend that would actually use them.

  • Clear florist vases

Everyone has at least one florist vase in their own house, but what do you do when you have a collection of them? They are necessary when you receive a lot of flowers for your birthday, but it’s hard to believe you’ll be using all 5 of them at the same time! Keep some of your favorites, then donate the rest.

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