When it comes to inspiration, everything that surrounds us can contribute. That’s how trends are working, based on a community of people with the same interests in a certain domain or subject. But it’s not enough just to be part of a community, no, that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is to exchange visions and ideas, that’s how the world evolves.
What a flamboyant opening for such a simple idea! But as flamboyant as it might seem, it’s important to know these things, because we all do it. Creativity appears in the weirdest moments: while visiting a neighbor, or just by taking a walk in the park.
Thinking of all the above, we were reminded how important it is to get a daily cup of inspiration. And we assumed that as much as we need it, you do too. So we’re starting our weekly inspiration’s list, based on what we’ve seen and what we’ve liked. Hope you enjoy it too.