8 Decor Items No One Over 40 Should Have In Their Homes

Photo by tomertu from shutterstock.com

1. Old perfumes 

We know that there are many perfume bottles that look amazing as decor objects, but that doesn’t mean you should keep them forever. Besides that, if you have a perfume you bought a few years ago and you want to use it on a special occasion, it might be better to throw it away.

That is because there are perfumes that evaporate and the only thing they leave behind is the smell of alcohol. Yes, perfumes actually have an expiration date!

2. Dead flowers

Flowers look great and they smell divine, but only for a short period of time. After they turn crusty and messy, you should throw them away, because they won’t come back to life! If you want to have flowers at home, you can choose a houseplant that has a longer life.

3. Children’s old art 

We’re not saying you should throw away every single art object your kids or grandkids have ever made, but you shouldn’t keep every single one of them. They take up space and can make your house look messy.

4. Kitschy photo frames

We are sure that kitschy photo frames like the ones that say “Best Friends” or “I Love You” were totally cool when you were young. You shouldn’t keep them in your house now, because they can give off the impression that there is a teenager living there.

Make sure to choose a frame that has a neutral color and a clean design, if you want your house to look more stylish and elevated!