4 Efficient Ways to Clean Your Showerhead

Photo by Joshua Resnick From Shutterstock

3. Use lemon juice 

This zesty yellow fruit has multiple uses, such as a food ingredient and a sun-lightening agent for our hair. It may also be used as a natural cleaning method because, let’s face it, it can be found in almost anyone’s pantry. By using lemon to clean your home, you may also avoid using harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin while still leaving your bathroom with a pleasant, lingering citrus scent.

For this type of cleaning, you need 2 or 3 medium-sized lemons (you can also replace them with some bottled lemon juice), hot water, and a small bucket to fit the shower head.  In a small bowl, make a mixture with lemon juice and hot water and pour it into the bucket. After that, place the shower head in the bucket and leave it in there for about 30 minutes. Rinse the showerhead with clean water and use a brush to remove any remaining limescale.