4 Efficient Ways to Clean Your Showerhead

Photo by Svetlyachock From Shutterstock

1. Descale the showerhead with vinegar

Most folks avoid using vinegar for surface cleaning because they think the bathroom would smell bad from the acetic acid’s odor. However, you’ll be relieved to learn that the strong smell disappears quite quickly, especially if you open the window. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on expensive bathroom cleaners, this family-friendly cleaning method is also friendly to your wallet. You will only need a bottle of vinegar (I am pretty sure you have one in your cabinet), a toothbrush (not your own), a clean cloth, a scouring solution, a rubber band, and a resealable bag.

With the shower head removed gently, scrub the dry debris from around the holes with the toothbrush. The next step is to pour some vinegar into the plastic bag and stick the shower head into it until everything is completely covered by the liquid. Make sure the bag is sealed by using the rubber band to tie it. Leave the shower head to soak for a couple of hours (overnight). But keep in mind the instructions regarding the material, because if your shower head is made of brass, you can’t leave it for more than half an hour. After you remove the shower head from the bag, wipe it with a clean cloth and then run the shower on warm water to flush everything out of the holes.

I can guarantee that the results will be outstanding! You definitely need to try this hack next time you’re planning to give your shower head a cleaning.