Using a Dehumidifier in Winter

Using a Dehumidifier in Winter

Do you use dehumidifiers during the winter season? Most people like the thought of asking questions and then getting straight answers that work for everybody. But, this isn’t the case in terms of answering particular questions.

There are times that dehumidifiers can be a necessity in winter and there are times that it’s pointless to use it.

This only depends on some factors that would influence the use of the moisture absorber and in most cases, such factors will be specific to your house and rooms that you plan to use it in.

Determine the Weather Condition on Where You Reside

If you are using dehumidification devices during cold months in your basement to prevent mold growth, your need for the unit would depend on the kind of temperatures that are usually experienced in regions you live in along with other factors.

If you are living in a climate that’s very cold, there’s no reason to use one during winter since it’ll be impossible to use it.

The reason behind it is that such machines work. The whole point why dehumidifiers exist is that it pulls moisture out of the air and for you to do that, these hold the moisture in their coils and release it to an enclosed system.

If you’re trying to use one in the temperatures that are below freezing, coils will freeze up and the unit would stop working. Thus, they’re instead pointless if you’re using them in a cold climate.

But, if you have homes that are situated in areas that are usually warm even during winter, you could find moisture extractors necessary.

With that said, you still do not need to use one unless you have lots of moisture content in a certain room or you live in areas that experience lots of high RH or relative humidity on a constant basis.

In such cases, you must be using dehumidifiers for almost a year. If you’re living in a place with a drier climate, you do not need to use them during cold days and use it only during warmer days.

There are numerous advantages to both your home and health, which come with having a dehumidifying system.

They become more crucial, especially in colder months as the levels of humidity rise and the temperature drops.

These will also keep cold air out and keep your energy bills down, allowing you to save money.

There are some styles and options to suit some situations, regardless if you like a stylish one or a commercial unit.

Should You Operate Your Dehumidifier During Winter Months?

Well, it is a big YES. However, you should only use it in particular circumstances.

If you have to use residential dehumidifying devices during colder months, you will likely require them only in the basement.

Since basements do not have much exposure to natural light and heat that the sun provides, these can quickly become damp throughout the entire year.

It makes them the most ideal location for mold and mildew to grow. Yet, although you need moisture extractors in your basement during warmer months, that does not mean you will have to run it in midwinter.

Whether or not operating residential moisture removers in wintertime is good for your situation would depend on 2 primary factors, these include the humidity and temperatures in the area.


If you are living in a place with a warm climate, it does not mean that you will need to use a device to extract humidity.

Also, your climate requires having high levels of humidity to warrant it. Therefore, some people might not need dehumidification systems during cold days while others might.

The golden rule is that it’s never a bad idea to use one in winter if the levels of humidity stay above 50 percent always.

To be sure, you may put a wall humidistat up to measure the relative humidity of a room.

Make sure that you pay attention to the humidity levels and consider turning off your device when the levels of humidity drop low.

You might also set it to keep an automatic threshold for the levels of humidity.

However, if the room doesn’t reach that 50 percent range, odds are that you do not need for dehumidifiers during winter months.

For many families, dry winter weather will need more humidity to keep a higher comfort level.

Nevertheless, if you’re living in an area that is both humid and hot for the whole year, you could benefit from running the moisture remover in some damp areas of your house or in your basement.


If you’re living in a place that experiences warm weather throughout the year or you have a heated basement, you might benefit from using the moisture extractor.

Well, any rooms must stay above sixty degrees Fahrenheit for good performance even if several models are made for forty or fifty-degree temperatures.

For those who are living in cold climates and have chilly basements always, running a dehumidification device will not do much good.

As a matter of fact, between low temperatures and water vapor attracted by the unit, you could end up with a non-functional device and frozen coils once you try using it under such conditions.

Oftentimes, you will not require any dehumidification unit in cold weather. You will have to add more moisture instead of getting rid of it.


The best course of action is by paying attention to whether or not dehumidifiers are freezing up once you try using it.

Aside from that, you have to keep in mind the condition of the area where you will use it.

Is there excess moisture in the room? Do some things feel damp? Are you noticing mold growing anywhere? If your answer to those questions is yes, you have to use your unit no matter what the time of the year it is.

But, if the answer to such questions is a no and your machine is freezing up, you’re not doing something except wasting your electricity and possibly leaving some damages to your device.

In this case, store it properly so you can use it during warmer season and pay attention to the room’s overall condition so you can take action if something changes.

Best Peltier Dehumidifier

While ‘Peltier’ may be an unfamiliar term for casual conversations, most people know what thermoelectricity