How Many Dehumidifiers Do I Need For My House

People, who want to own a dehumidifying device often ask questions like “How many dehumidifiers do I really need for my home?”

The answer to this question is not straightforward. There are some factors that must be considered to purchase a dehumidifier that works very well in your space without affecting its service life and overall performance.

How Many Dehumidifiers Do I Need For My House

Why Do You Need One?

They are some of the best appliances that you should own.

These units come with numerous benefits for you and your space.

They can get rid of potentially harmful variables, which may affect your family, home, and even pets.

Before you make purchases, research must be done to find a dehumidification device that work best for you.

Below are some of the reasons why they are a must-have in your home:

Prevents Buildup of Mold

Mold is the worst nightmare of every homeowner.

Mold is basically a fungal species, which causes natural materials to break down through the process referred to as biodegradation.

Mold can be dangerous in big quantities, which put the health of household residents at risk.

The symptoms of mold allergies may include throat and eye irritation, coughing, itchy throat, sneezing, skin rashes, and so on. All of these can contribute to asthma attacks.

Damp, moist air is the perfect environment for mold to grow and dehumidifiers can get rid of the moisture while preventing mold growth.

If anyone in your house suffers from asthma attacks or once you see mold growing in different places, you must consider getting a dehumidification system for your house.

Eliminates Dust Mites Effectively

These appliances play a vital role to improve the indoor air quality in your home.

Not only it gets rid of excessive humidity levels, but also through eliminating some dust mites.

Enhance Air Quality

Your home’s indoor air quality isn’t only measured in the amount of the toxins that you might or might not be breathing in. It can also be due to the air’s levels of humidity.

While there is no denying that air purifiers are the most effective way to clean the air of potentially dangerous substances, moisture extractors do indeed play an essential role to improve the quality of indoor air.

Things to Consider When Buying Dehumidifiers for Your Home

There are some things you should keep in mind when purchasing your device and these include the following:


It is crucial to note that the size doesn’t refer to its dimensions or physical size, yet the amount of water, basically measured in pints, it may extract daily.

Appliances that dehumidify can eliminate more moisture daily effectively if it has a bigger footprint.

The size of a unit or the extraction capacity daily is frequently confused for the capture tank’s capacity, which is the measurement that is frequently listed separately by manufacturers.

One thing you’ll notice when on a shopping trail for a good dehumidification device is that tank capacity in many appliances is less than the amount of water or size it could extract each day.

The capacity of the moisture that any respective device being greater than its capture bucket capacity to hold drained water does not mean that you’ll have to empty if sometimes a day since many of the appliances don’t extract to their full daily capacity.

The amount of water that a dehumidification unit can extract may depend on the humidity level and temperature in your space.

For instance, 30-pint units will eliminate 30 pints of water daily.

The moisture remover capacity will provide you an idea of the area it’ll dehumidify in square feet.

Also, being knowledgeable of space’s square footage you would want to dehumidify is much easier to select the perfect capacity.

Know the Measurement of Your Space

Before you start shopping for the finest basement dehumidifier, experts have recommended that you should measure your space.

The reason behind it is that 50-pint ones for a small space aren’t only bulkier, but also they could cost more than the 30-pint units that are the perfect size for a moderately damp area with a measurement of 300 sq ft.

Measuring the area’s square footage you would want to dehumidify is simple.

You only have to use a tape measure for you to determine the width and length of the room.

Then, multiply the measurements. If a room is 15 ft wide and 20 ft long, it is equivalent to 300 sq ft.

When equipped with this information, ask for assistance from your preferred store for you to know which unit is the most ideal for your space.

Why It Is Important to Pick the Right Size?

Determining the right capacity includes the overall size of the space where you will use the unit and the environment’s temperature as well as the level of humidity.

If you don’t have a clue about the humidity level of your space, you may use a tool to monitor the humidity.

The main goal of using dehumidification appliances is getting rid of excess moisture in the air to prevent mold buildup and damage to paint and walls.

Buying a dehumidifier with the right size and capacity can make a difference in improving the indoor air quality.

If you have bought the wrong one for a big space, you might end up replacing it with a bigger capacity or buying another that will support your old unit capacity.

If you want to eliminate moisture in the air quickly and effectively, you need to purchase the right device.

The Bottom Line

Basically, you only need one dehumidifier if you purchase the right capacity and size to get rid of the moisture from an area of your house like a basement and not the whole house.

But, it’s possible to dehumidify your home and across different floors with a heavier, bigger, non-portable, and whole house dehumidifier, which is more expensive.

Aside from that, it is essential to consider the fact that excess humidity is seasonal and limited to 1 or 2 rooms, so the right capacity dehumidifying device will be the best and most economical option.

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