6 Ways Pests Can Destroy Your Home

Photo by eleonimages From Shutterstock

6. Silverfish

Judging by their appearance, these insects are harmless, but they can do a lot of damage. Who knew? But at the same time, they are not poisonous and don’t transmit any diseases.

Despite this, they can actually eat most of your household items, and that can include books, wallpapers, cardboard, and even fallen human hair. Gross!

You wouldn’t want to leave out any starchy, sugary items in the kitchen because they are also attracted to leftovers or food in general. Just like cockroaches, they multiply very easily and are also nocturnal insects.

In order to get rid of them, you must limit food sources by keeping everything in the fridge or in dry places (because they love humidity). Clean your house regularly and try to vacuum as often as possible. You can also use a dehumidifier in damp areas.

Don’t forget to seal any bags with food you’re planning to leave on the table overnight.

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