How to Get Rid of Pet Odors in Your Home: 6 Easy Steps

Photo by catinsyrup From Shutterstock

4. How to remove the smell from a litter box

If dog pee appears to be unpleasant, then if you own a cat, you already know how pungent the smell can become. It’s usually even skunkier, and the litter box is usually the primary source of odors in your home. The easiest way to eliminate the smell is by scooping the poop and pee immediately, but this is pretty impossible unless you’re planning on spying on your cat, haha! I usually praise baking soda because it comes in handy whenever I need to clean a surface quickly but efficiently.

I’m not going to back down from recommending it in this case, either, because it’s also a lot cheaper than any scented litter. At least twice a week, throw away the litter and wipe the box with warm water and some soap. Be careful and keep the bleach away because cats are highly sensitive to the smell and may refuse to use the litter box anymore.

If you’re keeping the litter box in the bathroom, make sure you also have an air freshener in order to keep the odors at bay as much as possible.

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