4. Books you’ve already read
This may appear strange and perplexing given that it is usually recommended to switch from a Kindle to a regular book before sleeping. Why? Because reading at night requires an artificial light source, and if you’re not a casual reader, once you’ve started a book, you won’t stop until you get through at least two or three chapters before sleeping. If this is part of your regular routine, and a little reading before bedtime helps you sleep better, try to do it in another room.
5. Food and drinks
Besides the fact that eating in bed can make the linens dirty, it’s not healthy either. And we all know what eating in bed means, right? Munching on popcorn or chips during a movie or while you’re reading can be very dangerous since you’re not paying attention to the quantity of the food you’re eating. Once in a while, you can surprise yourself or your partner by having a cute breakfast in bed; just be careful and don’t turn it into an everyday habit! It has been proven that eating in bed is a bad habit that affects your physical and mental health, but it can also disturb your sleeping cycle.