8 Easy Cleaning Hacks for Every Holiday

cleaning hacks
Photo by Andrey_Popov From Shutterstock

2. Clean out/store all the holiday food

Before cleaning, make sure you check the refrigerator too. Make sure you clean out any food that you don’t plan to eat anymore. And if there are any leftovers, you can freeze them so they will last even longer.

If there is some food that has expired, throw it out to make room for what has been left from the day before. I am sure the guests didn’t finish it all.

3. Use disposable dishes and utensils

Simply trade the fancy China you have from grandma for disposable versions that you can toss when you’re done. This is much easier, actually, because you won’t have to worry anymore about broken China or drying dishes for days. And it will make the cleaning much easier.

You can look for regular plastic ones as well as plastic-free ones made of biodegradable materials. You will be eco-friendly and a wise host.

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