10 Ways to Remove Odors From Clothes (Without Washing)

Photo by Lolostock From Shutterstock

6. Freeze them for a couple of hours

It’s been proven that the cold kills the smelly bacteria. You just have to put the clothes in a freezer bag and seal it. Put the bag into the freezer and leave it for a few hours, or if you have the possibility, overnight. The cold temperature helps deodorize the clothing. After removing them from the freezer, let them dry for a bit because they’ll be stiff. The fresh clothes will feel so good! Plus, they will also be softer than before.

7. Lemon juice to neutralize smell

Lemon juice may be the answer to so many problems. All you have to do is to make a mixture of one tablespoon of lemon juice and one cup of water. After this, place it in a spray bottle. Once dry, your clothes will have a pleasant smell. Just one small precaution: if your clothes are black or neutral colors, you may want to try this on a spot first because lemon juice can decolor certain fabrics.

Dilute the mixture properly!

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