5 Alarming Signs You Need a Humidifier (Don’t Panic)

Signs You Need a Humidifier

Humidifiers are very important devices you never knew you required to maintain comfortable levels of humidity in your homes. These help you sidestep dry sinus as well as itchy skin during cold winter days, yet they can be useful during summer months.

But, how will you know if you really need a humidifier?

Below are 5 signs that you need to use a humidifier as soon as possible:

1. Signs of Dry Skin

No one wants dry skin, irritated red patches, itchy sensation, and so on. Aside from that, you might also experience itchy and dry scalp or flaking chapped lips and you may see why dryness does not do your body any good.

This dryness happens since there’s not enough moisture in the air of your house. Dry air depletes moisture in your house and sucks off moisture from your epidermis. With this, your skin will be scalier and you might suffer from acne, asthma, psoriasis, and eczema.

Such symptoms may be alleviated through having a small humidifier in your home.

It can help you deal with dry air through moisture, which means your skin will stay supple.

You could even look a bit younger as a great amount of moisture can rehydrate your skin and avoiding the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Experiencing Cold-Like Symptoms

Several successive sneezes can result in a sore and itchy throat and soon you’ll be convinced that you’re coming down with a seasonal cold.

Basically, cold runs rampant from the month of November to March, yet if you’re experiencing such symptoms out of season or if your symptoms are persisting for an extended period of time, it might be a sign that your house has a low level of humidity.

Your exposure to dry air dries out your mucus membranes constantly. Without the moisture, membranes can start to falter as your defense against microbes and viruses.

They may also help lessen the infiltration risk and may be advantages for those who suffer from asthma and some respiratory diseases aggravated by dry air.

Experts explained that this kind of appliances can help you eliminate bacteria and viruses found in circulating dry air.

While they can’t guarantee disease prevention, evidence shows that it could help mitigate the risk while allowing you to breathe cleaner air as well as hydrate the body for great performance.

3. Wood Furniture and Floors Start to Crack

 There are some things as disheartening as once you spy substantial crack forming in your wooden furniture. Is it due to the age of wood or species? Well, the answer is no.

Splits appearing in your furniture and the creaking sounds when you step on your floor are some of the indications that you require more moisture.

The tendency for people living in colder winter climates is shutting down the doors and windows tight and turning up furnaces, which is a combination that might prove lethal to favorite wooden furnishings as it saps the interior air of moisture.

This deficiency would cause small creaks on flooring and might cause the wooden furniture to warp or start showing visible cracks.

Luckily, there is a solution for this and that is by purchasing humidifiers. These can be a good protector of wooden furniture, floor, and upholsteries through adding essential moisture to the atmosphere to avoid creaking, warping, and cracking.

Other than that, they will also help you slow the peeling of linoleum and wallpaper because the moisture emitted to keep the material attached to the surface.

4. Hygrometer Hits Zero

A perfect companion for humidifiers or for homeowners who want to monitor the levels of moisture in their home is hygrometer, which is a device used for measuring the humidity of your home.

Such useful contraptions may be bought at a local hardware store and provide you reliable readings of moisture percentage in the air.

If you have a hygrometer and its percentage is near zero, it’s a clear indication that your house has entered a low level of humidity.

Humidifiers may help keep the hygrometer readings between forty percent and fifty percent, the rate is perfect for a comfortable living.

During winter months, you should set it below 40% to prevent condensation from forming on paints and windowsills.

If the outdoor temperature is lower than the negative twenty degrees Fahrenheit, it’s recommended to set the device at 15%.

High humidity may cause your home to feel muggy or sweaty, which can leave you feeling uncomfortable and will put your home at risk as there could be a growth of mildew and mold.

5. You Often Use Furnace

Science basically tells everyone when air loses moisture, it loses its ability to maintain heat as well.

Once you turn on furnace during winter months to combat cold air outside, you’re actually exacerbating the issue as dry hot air sucks the remaining moisture from the atmosphere.

Unsubstantial air humidity and poor air circulation may cause dramatic fluctuations on temperature. It’s when your need for humidifiers come in.

Through having a device like this, you may counter the drying effect of a furnace and keep your house heated evenly throughout the process.

The Bottom Line

You have to be honest with yourself always. If you have noticed those signs mentioned above, it is recommended to use humidifiers.

Those problems are significant and considering adding one to the equation frequently proves to be a simple solution.

In addition to that, they may help you avoid huge costs from doctor visits and medical bills due to dermatological and respiratory concerns.

Your floors and furniture will stay in good condition and your walls would also stay neat as you may skip worrying about the discolorations due to mildew and mold.

So, if you want to have a comfortable atmosphere in your home, you should never neglect the idea of having one to your collections of appliances.

They come in a range of capacities and different types. Small units including old-fashioned impeller humidifiers and vaporizers are best for limited use and small spaces.