Will A Dehumidifier Help The Air Conditioner?

Will A Dehumidifier Help The Air Conditioner

Humidity around you is the main factor that makes you sweat even more during warmer days and nights of summer.

A dehumidifier can help the air conditioner by eliminating humidity from the air letting everything cooler and dry.  The air conditioner will have an easy task to cool a room that is already dry.

Without the help of your dehumidifier, your air conditioner will need to work extra hard with muggy and damp air.

There are many areas that experience this very sweaty humid weather. In fact, even if your home is air-conditioned, there is often an increase in humidity levels.

It is never good for a lot of reasons.

Apart from the lack of comfort, a higher level of excess air moisture could lead to property and building damage.

This can also have ongoing and dramatic health repercussions for you and your family and could also affect your pocket since energy bills can go higher as the result of running the air conditioning unit at a higher temperature more often for countering the effects.

The suggested indoor humidity is between 30 to 50 percent relative humidity.

This pertains to the amount of water vapor contained in the air compared to the highest amount this can hold at a given temperature.

Higher levels than this are inefficient and unhealthy.

Good thing that you can lower indoor humidity through dehumidification or increase it in dry winter through humidification.

There might also be times when the indoor environment does not necessarily require cooling or heating to be in a comfortable range but might still require humidity control.

There are clever split and ducted system air conditioning units provide state of the art technology that means they don’t just offer efficient heating and cooling for your house but can also dehumidify, humidify, purify, and ventilate the air.

There are some systems where you can easily activate dehumidification of the environment with a mere touch of a button on the user-friendly remote control.

When the humidity drained the energy temporarily and you cannot leave the lounge, this doesn’t get much easier than this.

Here are some of the common issues that high levels of humidity can cause to your home, your comfort, and your health:

  • A moist house can become a potential breeding ground for different allergens like mold, mildew, and dust mites that can make you prone to numerous symptoms of asthma and allergies.
  • Your body cannot cool down effectively since the humidity no longer lets you sweat to evaporate faster.
  • Mold can multiply uncheck on furniture or clothing.
  • Tiny black spots or mold spores have the tendency to develop on the walls or in places that have high humidity like the shower or bathtub.
  • Mildew or musty smells linger in an extremely humid climate.
  • Stains of water may show up on the ceilings or walls of your house.
  • You will experience a higher than usual level of humidity in areas with no ventilation or with poor ventilation, particularly in areas such as bathrooms.
  • You may notice frequent condensation on windows in specific parts of your house.

Importance of Dehumidification

With all these health and environmental problems, it is very easy to see how important it is to maintain proper control of humidity in the indoor environment.

Here are the top reasons why removing excess moisture in air through proper dehumidification is essential when using your home’s air conditioning system:

1. A Healthier Home

Dehumidification can help the reasonable level of humidity of the indoor air that can help all family members healthy.

Simply put, this can help everyone breathe easier.

Common triggers of allergy-like mold, mildew, and dust mites thrive in an extremely humid environment.

If you or a member of your family suffers from asthma or allergy, high humidity can make these symptoms worse.

The truth is that these allergens can cause illness in a normally healthy person. A few common reactions to moisture-loving allergens include:

  • Watery and itchy eyes
  • Stuffy nose
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing and sneezing
  • Skin rashes
  • Reduced resistance to respiratory infections allergies
  • Diminished immune system

2. Improved Levels of Comfort

This may seem a bit obvious to say but dehumidification can lower humidity levels.

This means that comfort levels are improved right away.

Dehumidification can help you feel much more comfortable with no need to dramatically lower your air conditioner’s thermostat settings, which then means that it becomes more energy efficient as a result.

You will feel less sweaty, less clammy, and less tired immediately since the air will no longer feel too heavy.

3. Better Smell Indoors

Indoor air with no mildew, mold, and dampness smells inviting and fresh.

Dehumidification can help reduce odors which can accompany mildew and mold in your house, thus eliminating that unwanted musty smell.

4. Protect Your Property

Dehumidification helps keep your property protected so there will be no signs of corrosion or rush on things such as computer equipment, tools, and electronics.

5. Protected Fabrics and Clothes

Excess humidity and moisture in your house increase the risks of developing mold on your clothes, furniture, towels, curtains, bed linen, and other fabrics. Dehumidification can solve this problem.

6. Everything is Just Fresher

An environment with less humidity means that your clothes will dry much faster, and even cereals and bread will stay fresh for a longer time without going stale.

7. Lower Energy Bills

Dehumidification can also lead to lower energy bills since it can help your air conditioner run much more efficiently.

Higher humidity can make it feel warmer than the actual temperature in the room so you might end up setting the thermostat lower to better cool off your home.

But, by simply turning on the dehumidification setting, your thermostat can be set to a higher temperature which can reduce the use of energy and your bills will become lower as a result.

This also has an energy efficient knock-on effect as there is no need for you to lower temperature that much, so your air conditioner will not be running all the time.

The next time you use your air conditioner, make its job easier by turning on your dehumidifier.