6 Natural Ingredients That Repel Mosquitoes

Photo by patchii From Shutterstock

6. Lemon Eucalyptus oil

Another great and well-known mosquito repellent is Lemon Eucalyptus oil, which has been acknowledged by the CDC as 100% natural. Studies have shown that 32% of lemon eucalyptus oil provides almost three hours of protection against these insects. It can be easily diluted with water and then used as a spray to be applied when needed. It is a matter of common knowledge that lemon has the ability to refresh tired skin and also give it a nice scent.

Do you happen to know of any other natural ingredients that can be used as repellents? Don’t forget to leave a comment if you’ve tried at least one of them this summer.

If you find this article useful, we recommend you read more from our Home Improvement section, and one of them is 9 Ways to Clean Your House With Lemon.

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