Pet Toys
We’re all aware that whatever our pets play with or use can become gross quickly. Whether the item in question is covered in drool or your pet has had an accident, you want to clean it as effectively as possible. But bleach isn’t your answer.
You don’t want your furry friend accidentally ingesting bleach. Even a tiny amount can be life-threatening. So don’t clean pet products with bleach. This goes for toys, food bowls, litter boxes, and anything your pet comes in contact with.
Bleach shouldn’t be used to clean cat items because of toxicity issues to the feline’s kidneys and liver. You also shouldn’t be using bleach on any floors your pets regularly walk across.
If your cat or dog gets bleach on their paws and then starts to lick those paws, you may be heading over to the vet in n time!
What SHOULD You Use? Just use water and mild soap to wipe down your pets’ stuff. You could also use a DIY cleaning solution of one part vinegar to three parts water.