Does Every House Have Mold? Here Is What You Should Know

Mold is a growing menace that torments every homeowner. This fungus can trigger many health issues like breathing problems, persistent headache, diarrhea, and more. If you suspect that your house has mold, the best thing to do is to address the problem immediately.

But does every house have mold? Yes. It’s there even in the cleanest homes. Mold can grow in upholstery, carpets, walls, and more. If you have mold in your home, its time you take action.

What Causes Mold In Your Home

Mold sprouts from the microscopic spores. It grows on moist surfaces and can be visible with a human eye.

The main causes of mold include leaking pipes, condensation, poor ventilation, wet clothes, flooding, among others . You should be on the lookout for colors such as green, brown, black, and white. And when you touch, it feels like leather, cotton, or velvet.

Signs That You May Have Mold In Your House

The main signs include:

1. Paint bubbling on the walls

If you’ve noticed bubbling on your bathroom walls, there could be some mold. While it can be tempting to add a fresh coat of paint, it’s important that you address the root cause of the problem.

Check out for roof leak, leaky caulking, and loose plumbing connections. Once you address the problem, scrap and repaint the walls.

2. The floor feels squishy

If you step on your hardwood floor and it feels squishy, you could be having a toxic mold problem. This is a sign that moisture is trapped in underground flooring materials.

And depending on the extent of the damage, you may have to replace the entire floor. If the floor is in good condition, you only need a mold remover.

3. Smelling a mold odor

In the early stages, it’s impossible to know if there’s mold in your house. The strong pungent odor can be described as meaty or earthy. Some smell like rotten wood while others have camphor-like or acetone odor.

If you’re unsure of the smell, step outside and breathe some fresh air. Come back a few minutes later and reevaluate the smell. Keep in mind that the smell will not fade when you open the windows.

4. Tingling sensation on the skin

If you have an allergic reaction on your skin, you will experience a burning sensation on your skin. The body tries to release toxins to fight mycotoxins. You should look for ways to eradicate mold growth.

5. Your asthma is acting up

When mold finds its way into the lungs, it may trigger asthma symptoms. If you don’t combat the problem, it can lead to bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. This is a serious condition that leads to shortness of breath.

To keep asthma at bay, you should maintain your indoor humidity below 45%.

6. Chimney smells weird

If there’s any water in the chimney, it can cause a nasty odor. The smell can get strong when the wind blows in a certain direction.

Ideally, rainwater will get into the chimney if it doesn’t have a cap. It can also damage the flue lining which may lead to costly repairs.

Common Areas To Check Mold In Your Home

The first step to eliminate mold is to identify the common areas for growth. Because it thrives in a warm and humid environment, you can see it in the bathroom and bathtubs. After every bath, check the walls, shampoo bottles, shower curtain, tile grout, and showerheads.

Make sure they are cleaned and dried well. Don’t forget to inspect underneath areas where the cleaning supplies are stored. Also, check if there are any leaks on the walls and floor. Another area susceptible to mold is the kitchen. Inspect the refrigerator, microwave, trash cans, cutting boards, and window seals.

The bedroom can also be a breeding ground for mold. Because finding mold in your mattress can be a frightening thought, you should invest in a mold-resistance mattress. The fungus will also grow if you use an air conditioning system.

Other than that, if the window seals get into contact with moisture they will collect humidity. It’s important that you use a humidifier to get rid of the excess mold in your living room.

What To Do If Your House Has Mold

Any dampness in your home can cause mold. To combat the problem, you should caulk around the water fixtures. Look for any leaks around the showers, bathtubs, and sinks.

Secondly, take care of any roof leaks. Because some of these leaks may go unnoticed for years, you should crawl over your ceiling. Thirdly, clean out the gutters. Standing water can cause a leak into the eaves and may damage the exterior walls.

And every once in a while, check the crevices and the corners that you wouldn’t normally think about. Lastly, pay close attention to telltale characteristics like fuzzy appearance on the walls.

How Mold Can Damage Your Home

When mold is untreated for a long period, it can interfere with the structural integrity of your home. And because it feeds on organic materials, it can eat away the wooden studs, drywall, carpet, ceiling tiles, floorboards, and more.

Some materials may not be repaired, so you have to replace them. The common building material that is affected by mold is wood. The best way to keep the fungus from a wooden surface is to dry it completely.

Most types of insulation are porous which means they can absorb water. If your insulation is moldy you may want to replace with a new one. Also, mold can grow on drywall. Since no material is completely moist proof, you should keep the area clean and dry.

When To Hire An Expert To Eliminate Mold From Your House

Mold is not only disgusting but can put terror in the eyes of a new homeowner. While there are plenty of horror stories out there, there’s no cause of alarm. If you’re deeply suspicious that the mold can damage the walls in your home, call a mold inspection company.

It’s worth mentioning that most mold issues need expertise and safety gear that most homeowners don’t have. Any delay could worsen your household health.

How To Prevent Mold Growth In Your Home

A general rule of thumb is to keep the humidity levels in your home between 30-50 percent. What’s more, you should run a humidifier to allow for clean air circulation in the rooms prone to moisture. Don’t forget to monitor your home after heavy rains or floods.

Final thoughts

Too much moisture can be a breeding ground for mold. If left untreated, it can cause permanent damage to walls, ceilings, furniture, and other household items. Needless to say, it can affect your health. Make sure you inspect your home regularly to keep mold at bay.

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