Mold & Health

Temperature To Prevent Mold Growth

In general, mold doesn’t grow or thrive in cold environments. Humid and warm conditions are perfect for mold growth. So, in order to prevent mold growth, the temperature should be kept below 70 degrees Fahrenheit( 20 Celsius). What Does Mold Need to Grow?… Read the rest

At What Relative Humidity Does Mold Grow

Condensation may offer the perfect conditions for mold to grow. So, at what relative humidity does mold grow? Mold will grow if the relative humidity is over 50 percent.  For houses where mold is a serious concern, it is recommended to keep the indoor humidity level not more than 50%.… Read the rest

High Humidity In House Health Problems

But, how much is too much humidity? Well, experts agree that the optimal RH level for comfort and to avoid health effects is between thirty and fifty percent. So, high humidity in your house can cause health problems, sleep discomfort, mold to grow, harmful bacteria to spread and also some damage to your home.… Read the rest

What Are The Side Effects of Using a Dehumidifier

More often than not, when someone decides to buy a dehumidifier for his or her home, it is usually they like to experience the perks that such units offer. As most of you know, dehumidifiers can get rid of excess humidity in any space, which reduces water and mold damage.… Read the rest

Low Humidity Symptoms

High humidity cause both mold colonies and dust mite populations to grow, thereby greatly increasing the total allergen load of allergy sufferers. So, you may ask what are the low humidity symptoms? Symptoms of low humidity are itchy and dry skin, sore eyes, dry throat, stuffy nose, vulnerability to infections and colds, and damage to wood furniture.… Read the rest

Will A Dehumidifier Prevent Mold

Can you prevent mold buildup by using a dehumidifier? A dehumidifier will not kill mold although it can prevent it by lowering humidity in your house.  If there is a faulty appliance or your roof has a leak, you fix the issue from the very source.… Read the rest