How to Guides

bed bugs

7 Home Remedies for Bed Bugs Worth Trying

Is just the thought of bed bugs enough to make your skin crawl? Ugh! Unfortunately, no matter how often you clean your home, you can still get infested with bugs. And this happens because they travel, and once they get into your house, they feed off blood and sweat.… Read the rest

6 Natural Ingredients That Repel Mosquitoes

Ugh mosquitos! Every summer’s nightmare, and that’s because we are usually prone to their bites due to a combination of heat, humidity, and scent. These tiny vampires are ready to taste your blood no matter what. And they are patiently waiting for the right time when you’re feeling most relaxed or when you’re trying to enjoy some time in your backyard.… Read the rest

9 Ways to Clean Your House With Lemon

Did you know that you can clean almost every corner of your house with lemons? If life gives you lemons, drink some tequila. I mean…never mind, wrong story. Jokes aside, in addition to being extremely delicious and full of vitamin C, lemons are amazing when it comes to cleaning your home.… Read the rest

8 Things You Shouldn’t Clean With Water

Maybe you’ll think that water is the cheapest way to get your home clean. Indeed, it’s cheaper than any other cleaning product, but that doesn’t mean it is better. Sometimes water can actually damage the surfaces, so it’s best to avoid using it as much as possible.… Read the rest

6 Ways Pests Can Destroy Your Home

No matter how hard you clean your house, annoying pests don’t take long to appear. And that’s frustrating, especially if you are actually cleaning every week or twice a week. And pests can do a lot of damage to your house, and some of them can affect your health as well.… Read the rest
cleaning hacks

8 Easy Cleaning Hacks for Every Holiday

Holidays are awesome, no matter if we’re talking about Thanksgiving or Christmas. But we all know that after this comes the cleaning. And it’s a pain in the neck, especially if you have a big family and a lot of friends that come over.… Read the rest

10 Amazing Storage Tips for Your Refrigerator

This is a big issue for most of us since we are always trying to stick everything we buy in the fridge, and that’s a very bad idea. Because without any organizational storage, your refrigerator will look like a mess. It’s also essential to have everything in order because there are some foods that expire sooner than others, plus you will save some money too!… Read the rest
cleaning tips

7 Effective and Fast House Cleaning Tips

Let’s be honest: cleaning is a pain in the neck. It’s a chore we don’t really like, but we have to do it. And if we make a plan and stick to it, you can actually minimize the amount of time you would normally spend scrubbing and washing the windows.… Read the rest

10 Ways to Remove Odors From Clothes (Without Washing)

We can agree upon this fact: nobody likes funky-smelling clothes. But sometimes you just don’t have the time to wash them right after you wear them, so they will sit in the laundry basket for a couple of days. Whether we’re talking about a sweaty t-shirt worn the entire day or a coat that you had when you were camping and now it has a weird smell, clothes can keep certain odors in their fabric.… Read the rest
bed mistakes

10 Bed-Making Mistakes You’re Unaware Of

Have you ever thought about the fact that you may have made the bed incorrectly? Sometimes when you’re tossing and turning and your bed looks like a mess, this might be the issue. After a long day, all you want to do is lie in bed and take a good nap.… Read the rest